
Electricity is a very important part of our lives. We require heating, refrigeration, lighting and cooking. For these reasons, owning an Automatic Standby Generator is a great way to protect your family, and ensure you can weather the big storms and random power outages. Maverick Electrical Services is a Generac Warranty Dealer and specializes in sales and service on Generac Air Cooled Home Standby Generators. Factory trained since 2013, we are fully prepared to fix any problems that may arise with your generator. Many people don’t realize that a generator requires annual maintenance. A generator is an engine, and therefore requires an oil change just like your car. We offer yearly maintenance plans to ensure your generator will always be in great operating condition when you need it the most! We also offer installation of new generators. We try to make the process as easy as possible. Generator installations often require a hydro-one disconnect, inspections, and a gas fitter, but don’t worry we will take care of everything!
Call or E-mail today to arrange a site visit and we will be happy to provide you with an estimate!

If you have an issue with your Generac generator, or transfer switch or just require annual preventative maintenance, contact us now!
We also offer GenConnect Generator monitoring. If you are concerned about your generator at your cottage we can install a GenConnect which will then alert us, as well as you, to any issues with your generator! This system works through the Bell cellular network so we can monitor almost anywhere, no matter where we are!
Contact us for more information!